Train the Trainer

Innovic, a distinguished name in the field of glass components based in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), has implemented a dynamic and forward-thinking initiative known as the "Train the Trainer" program. Rooted in an innovative educational philosophy, this program represents Innovic's commitment to fostering excellence in knowledge dissemination.

The core objective of the "Train the Trainer" initiative is to empower educators who hold the responsibility of imparting wisdom to a diverse range of learners under their mentorship. This unique approach recognizes the pivotal role played by trainers in shaping the educational landscape and emphasizes equipping them with the necessary tools to excel in their instructional roles.


In pursuit of this goal, Innovic International has orchestrated a series of impactful Glass Lamination workshops. These workshops, facilitated by seasoned experts sourced from the organization's Principal Factories, have proven instrumental in elevating the glass lamination process. By tapping into the vast expertise of these professionals, customers and operators participating in these workshops have witnessed notable improvements in their operational methodologies, leading to heightened productivity.

What distinguishes Innovic's approach is the ripple effect it engenders. As workshop participants return to their respective workspaces armed with newfound insights and enhanced skills, they assume the role of knowledge ambassadors. This transformative cycle enables them to train and mentor their colleagues and subordinates, thereby amplifying the impact of the workshops and fostering a culture of continuous improvement and education.

In summation, Innovic's "Train the Trainer" program and its dedication to hosting Glass Lamination workshops exemplify the organization's role as a pioneering force in the UAE's glass industry. By equipping trainers and participants with enhanced skills and knowledge, Innovic not only elevates individual proficiency but also catalyzes an enduring positive influence on the broader industry landscape.